Help us rescue every last bear before it’s too late

Help us rescue every last bear before it’s too late

Yes, I’ll help save Vietnam’s last bile bears with a monthly donation today


Direct Debits are collected on our behalf by the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF).

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Your first donation will take place today (immediately). From the next month, your monthly donation will be on your chosen date (either the 5th or 15th of the month).

Right now, we’re embarking on a mission to rescue 10 bears in the next two months. But we urgently need your help.

Will you donate today to help drive our rapid rescue mission to save Vietnam’s last bile bears?

Time is running out. When we raced to rescue beautiful moon bears Armstrong and Buzz (pictured above) there stood four cages. Only two contained bears.

We don’t want to arrive to find empty cages, but the harsh reality is that bears are succumbing to their suffering before we can reach them.

Please donate today to help us save every last suffering bear still stuck on bile farms across Vietnam – before it’s too late.