Will you help care for elderly rescued bears?
No teeth. Blindness. Missing limbs. Broken bodies… the damage caused by cruel bile farming plagues our bears for the rest of their precious lives. But with your support, we can help once-abused bears live out the rest of their days in peace and comfort.
Right now, more than two-thirds of the bears rescued from bile farms are over 20 years old – that's 80 to 90 in human years! Not only that, but most of the bears we’re rescuing now are already elderly.
They’ve endured unthinkable cruelty, and now, in their golden years, they need your support to ease their pain and help them heal.
But with the costs of caring for elderly rescued bears rising every year. Your donation today can help give them the safety, comfort and care they’ve never had before.
Will you give today to help an old bear live out the rest of their days free from pain and surrounded by love?
Your gift can help transform the lives of beautiful old bears like beautiful Tatzi – who’s celebrating his 36th birthday this year!
You're donating to us through CAF America because you're in the United States and want to claim tax benefits. You can choose to donate to one of our other charities